Sunday, July 29, 2018

Week 2 Term 3

Jett and Aydin cooking the sausages

Three Way Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday 31 July and Wednesday 1 August for our Year 3-6 classes. To book an interview time please go to:
OR go to and the event code to use is qdcsx
Tues 31 July  - bookings can be made from 3.10 to 6.00
Wed 1 August - bookings can be made from 3.10 to 5.30

The purpose of the conference is to share your child's learning and set goals for Term 3. Appointments are for 10 minutes.  If you feel that you need longer than the allocated 10 minutes please show respect for other families by asking if you could make an appointment for another day.


Steam Extravaganza - Some of our students are running workshops for other students. If you child is presenting you might like to attend their workshop. Ask them for more details.
Manuka Team Bake Sale
Manuka Team are having a bake sale this week.
Items will be $1 or $2
They are fundraising to visit the Zoo.
3.10 pm Student Led Conferences Totara and Kahikitea

3.10 pm Student Led Conferences Totara and Kahikitea
Warmer day - bring something yummy to heat up for lunch.

8.45am Singing
2.05pm Kapa Haka
3.15pm Pasifika Homework Club
Go4It - Bring PE gear

11:00am Exploration taster sessions at school. Students get to try something new.
2.05pm  Assembly and PTA Raffle drawn

Have a great week.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


This week many students have shared their experiences over the holidays.  Nathan also shared a piece of writing he is proud of and Anika shared her diary from a recent trip. 

Friday, July 20, 2018

Week 1 Term 3

I hope everyone has had a nice couple of weeks with their whanau. We still have a few students travelling overseas, we pray for their safe return over the coming weeks.

Some famous people hanging out together. 

This term our concept is Exploration. We will be inquiring into why we explore and what it means to explore. Students will have the opportunity to try learning some new skills that they have never tried before. This also links to our focus value for the term - Wonder.

School starts :-)

10.30am Manuka Team Cake Stall Fundraiser - bring some money to buy something yummy.

Warmer day - bring something yummy to warm up for lunch.
3.00-4.30pm Arts in Motion Practice

8.45am School Singing

3-4pm Homework club Room 15 - contact Mrs Wallbank for more details.
PE - bring your PE gear.

Goldentime and Assembly

Next week:

Three Way Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday 31 July and Wednesday 1 August for our Year 3-6 classes. To book an interview time please go to:

OR go to and the event code to use is qdcsx

Tues 31 July - bookings can be made from 3.10 to 6.00
Wed 1 August - bookings can be made from 3.10 to 5.30

The purpose of the conference is to share your child's learning and set goals for Term 3. Appointments are for 10 minutes. If you feel that you need longer than the allocated 10 minutes please show respect for other families by asking the class teacher if you could make an appointment for another day.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Happy holidays

Well it's not quite bbq weather at the moment but it was last Friday. Jett, Jasper and the ladies cooked up a bbq for us at school. Thanks.

Hard at work
Quality control

Friday, July 6, 2018

Last day fun

We had our Banqer auction and made some milkshakes as part of our last day celebrations.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Wearable Arts

We have been very hard at work creating our wearable arts. Here are a few sneak previews.

Who is this masked man?
Trying on our creations.

See you on Friday afternoon for the reveal in our show.


Watch the relief when the goal goes in. Clearly these boys love their footie.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Week 10 Term 2

Working on Wearable Arts projects from 1:40pm. Whanau are welcome to come in to help.

Working on Wearable Arts all morning. Whanau are welcome to come in to help.
11:50 Library (Yes, our library is opening again. Thanks to our new librarian Mrs Hall and Max for working hard to get ready).
A visiting band will be entertaining us in the afternoon.

7.30am Arts in Motion Practice Jazz and Lyrical

3.00-4.00pm Arts in Motion Practice Hip Hop

8.45am Singing
2.05pm Kapa Haka
3.15pm Pasifika Homework Club

5.30-7.00pm School Disco

Wearable Arts show from 1:30pm in the school hall.
Mufti day - bring a gold coin.
Banqer Auction in R4.

Nyla recently celebrated her birthday.