Sunday, December 16, 2018

Week 10 Term 4

The last week of school.

We are having our Secret Santa pressie opening tomorrow, hopefully everyone is prepared.

Year 5 students meet their new teachers for 2019.
R4 Secret Santa

9:00 School Prize giving
11:30 Kakano Nativity
R4 Banqer Auction

Year 6 Missioning 11am
School finishes at Noon.

Teacher only day
Students = Holiday time!

We call this science. 

Thursday, December 13, 2018


We are still full on making and learning in R4. Today we continued making our games and controllers. Jayden had fun using the drill.


Today we had some visitors from Heli Resources to share their knowledge of drones. They flew some drones, shared some videos and answered our questions.

Notice about IT logon details for students

This week our school has been part of a Ministry of Education funded project ensuring our school has completed 'Migration to the Cloud." Sometime, after school finishes and before Christmas, students in Y3-6 will probably notice they have been signed out of their school google learning account. New login details will be provided at the start of the next school year. 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Week 9 Term 4

All students need their costume at school on Monday. Please clearly label the bag it is in and it needs to stay at school until Wednesday.
After our Evening show on Wednesday students can be collected from Room 4.

Please bring some tinfoil to class for making game controllers.

Production dress rehearsal
Lunch at 12:00pm

Matinee and Evening show for main characters in our class only.
5:00pm mains at school and dressing and make-up.

Matinee and Evening shows - all students are expected to attend.

Evening schedule:
5:00pm mains at school and dressing and make-up.
5:15 classes at school and dressing.

Show begins at 6:30pm


End of year Mass 9am in the Church.
Tryathlon - 11:00am All students are taking part, bring bikes, helmets and togs

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Year 5 Leadership day

Today the year 6 students were out of school so the Year 5's got to play being the big kids at school. We did a few leadership challenges, played some games and made some presentations about our school values.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Makey Makey in R4

We have been developing some games using Scratch so today we learned how we can control our games by using the Makey Makeys. This will mean that people playing our games won't need to actually touch our computers.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Week 8 Term 4

A busy week, please help your child be aware of these events.

Production practice

Student led celebrations - In R4 3-5pm Students and parents to attend.

Dance & Music

Year 6 Retreat - Go to St Michaels Church.  (A notice has been sent home).
Year 5's come to school.

Sausage sizzle
Totara fun day - come in mufti, bring togs and sunscreen.

Next week

Noah the Musical Tickets are now on sale from the school office:
$5 per person.
4 shows:
Rooms: 15,11,1,3,12 and Year 2
Tuesday 11th December at 1:00 pm
Tuesday 11th December at 6:30 pm

Rooms: 14, 13, 2, 4, 12 and Kakano
Wednesday 12th December at 1:00 pm
Wednesday 12th December at 6:30 pm

Main cast each show.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Rubik's cafe

Today our Rubik's Cafe opened at school. We had lots of fun learning about all the things it takes to run a cafe, most importantly making a profit $$$$.

Thanks a lot to Mrs Davies, Mrs Sims and Viv for helping.

All the profit we have made will go to the Young Vinnies projects.
Thanks for organising the coffee machine Mr Macmillan.

Thursday, November 29, 2018


So this is what writing looks like in R4 when a VR set comes to school.

Can't wait to to read this writing!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Noah Production practice

We have been practicing very hard for the upcoming Production.

Make sure you get tickets from the school office.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Week 7 Term 4

School singing practice.

Library - returning books only - no new issues.

Show rehearsals
Ahurei performance.

School singing practice
Show rehearsals
Advent Liturgy 10am.
Go4it PE - bring your PE gear.
Kapahaka practice
Coaches thank you evening

Rubik's Cafe - come have a coffee with other St Mary's whanau. 8:20-10:00am
R4 Banqer Kiwisaver retirement party.  Bring your old person outfit and accessories and a small plate for shared morning tea. 
Shared lunch for First aiders

Noah the Musical Tickets on sale from Wednesday 28th purchase at school office:
$5 per person.
4 shows:
Rooms: 15,11,1,3,12 and Year 2
Tuesday 11th December at 1:00 pm 
Tuesday 11th December at 6:30 pm

Rooms: 14, 13, 2, 4, 12 and Kakano
Wednesday 12th December at 1:00 pm
Wednesday 12th December at 6:30 pm

Bongani and Jett doing a great job cooking the sausages on Friday. 

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Designing, making and re-making

We are really busy designing and making games for other students at St Mary's to play. There is a range of digital and offline games and even one game that requires a steady hand.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Come have a coffee with our community

A group of R4 students and helpers are opening a cafe at school. Come along and enjoy a coffee while making connections.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Week 6 Term 4

This is the last week for issues form our school library. 
No swimming this week.

School singing at 8:45am

Interschool Athletics


School singing at 8:45am

Sausage sizzle
PI group

From Mrs Hall

Noah Production Cast Rehearsals:

Hi All,
We are getting there…kids are doing well!

Rehearsals are:
Monday lunchtimes
Monday after school 3:15-4:15
Thursday lunchtimes
Thursday after school 3:15-4:15

Tuesday and Thursday Morning tea with Mrs Macashin.

Singing Soloists have rehearsals with Mrs Locke in R 13 at lunch times-these will be on the daily notices.

Thank You for your support,

Bernie Hall

Friday, November 16, 2018

Swimming in choppy waters

Today we practiced swimming in choppy waters to simulate swimming in rough water.

Monday, November 12, 2018


Today we investigated where our electricity comes from and how it powers our devices.

We found out the there are renewable and non-renewable forms of energy and some are better for the environment than others.

Ordering the energy types by impact on the environment. 

Exploring how electricity is passed on through switches. 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Week 5 Term 4

We are swimming every day this week with instructors, bring your togs.


Teacher strike day - school is closed.

JPC orientation for Year 6 students.

Extra Production practices

Dress as a character day. Money raised will go towards Special Needs Christmas Party.
PI group
Sausage sizzle

Friday, November 9, 2018

Silly sausages with Miss Johnsen

Some students have been making silly sausages with Mis Johnsen this week. They then used Comiclife to record and display the instructions.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Week 4 Term 4

It's an exciting week, Athletics on Monday and Grandparents day on Friday.

Athletics day - Students to be dropped straight to stadium No. 2 field and collected again at 2:30pm. Come in house colours, bring a hat, sunscreen, water and snacks to keep you going all day.

Library - bring your books to exchange.


Go4It PE - bring your PE gear. 

Bring something to share for morning tea in our class - all Grandparents are invited to join us.

9th November Friday-Week 4:
Grandparents/Friends Day
  • 9:00 Mass
New students welcomed at end of the Mass.
School to sing to them once they have had a blessing and received rosary beads.
  • 10:00 Back to classes to show visitors around and shared morning tea in classes.
  • 10:30 Performing groups to get dressed
  • 10:30 Cuppa provided by PTA-Hall if wet or outside hall if not.
  • 11:00 Mini concert begins (5-10 mins per group)
Outside on stage if fine, otherwise in the hall.
  • 10:30 Photo Booth Open.
This year again for something different we would like to add a ‘photo board’ opportunity. Students with visitors to have their family photo taken with a cool backdrop to remember Grandparents /Friends Day 2018! Bring your cameras for this.
The Order for the Concert:
Gymnastics Club
School Choir
Pasifika Group
Item from R 2
Marimba Group
Kapa Haka

Friday, November 2, 2018

Morning tea in the staffroom

This morning Don and Bongani shared morning tea in the staffroom. This was paid for from  Bongani's Banqer account.

Don and Bongani enjoying their morning tea.

Writing book reviews for our library

We have been busy writing and producing some book reviews for our library. Our purpose is to help younger students be interested in reading by recommending what to read. We are also leaving a legacy by qr coding the reviews and adding them to the inside back cover of the books. This way when the younger students take a device to the library they can scan the code then se our review.

Books with our qr codes to access the reviews. 

We have also been deciding on the best ways to present our reviews. So far we have used Garageband, Imovie, Book creator, Doink Greenscreen and Google docs.

Monday, October 29, 2018

What's the image competition

We've moved on from the secret sound to a secret image taken using our digital microscope.

Can you guess what the image is?

What is this?

Thanks to Abigail, Mia and Aydin for capturing this image.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Week 3 Term 4

We still have a few names on the board of students who have not returned their reading logs, please bring them back this week to be in the draw.

No swimming (pool is getting repaired).
PE - bring your PE gear to get changed into

Swimming (hopefully)
Library - bring your books to exchange

Swimming (hopefully)
PE - bring your PE gear to get changed into
Rosary Liturgy

Swimming (hopefully)
PE - bring your PE gear to get changed into

All Souls, All Saints Day Liturgy. PI group
Choir practice
Sausage sizzle

Working Bee
JPC Entrance Testing 8.45am @ Mackillop Campus

Monday 5 Nov.
Athletics Day

November 3rd, we are having a working bee at our school. We have a number of jobs
on our list ranging from handy-man jobs, maintenance on the playgrounds, putting
together an aviary, painting the boundary fence on Ranolf St, building a frame around
the sandpit, painting the container, constructing a fence bordering the library grounds,
painting Kakano’s playhouse, clearing the hall gutters (we have hired a scissor lift) and
I am sure there will be plenty more jobs to do. Come along and meet other parents, enjoy
a morning tea and a delicious lunch. Children are welcome also. For catering purposes
please let the office know if you can assist, even if it is just for an hour or two.

Here are the musical songs for everyone to practice at home.

Friday, October 26, 2018


It's a great day for a bbq. Jett and George helped cook the sausages today.

Chinese Calligraphy

Today Eva, our Chinese teacher, brought along a calligraphy expert to help us learn to write some Chinese characters.

Thursday, October 25, 2018


We have been writing some silly Limericks this week, here is a selection.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Week 2 Term 4

No swimming this week.
We still have a few names on the board of students who have not returned their reading logs, please bring them back this week to be in the draw.


Library - bring your books to exchange

PE - bring your PE gear to get changed into

PE - bring your PE gear to get changed into

PI group
Choir practice
Sausage sizzle

Please bring any plastic bottles for Rom 12 who need them for a project. Thanks.

Here are the musical songs for everyone to practice at home.

St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Rotorua

Interhouse Athletics
9:00am – 3:00pm
Monday 5th November
Postponement date: Thursday 8th November
International Stadium, Ground 2, Devon Street West, Rotorua

Event Overview

  • The Inter-house Athletics is for our middle and senior school students - Years 3, 4, 5 & 6.
  • The Interhouse Athletic Sports will be held at Field 2 by the stadium in Rotorua.
  • Years 3 – 6 students need to be taken to / dropped off at the
  •  International Stadium, Ground 2 Devon Street West Rotorua on Monday 5th November,
  • meeting their teacher by 8:45am in the designated area.
  • Interhouse Athletics will finish at approximately 2:30pm on Monday. Children need to be collected from
  • the International Stadium, ground 2 by 3:00pm at the latest.
  • Children may come to Interhouse Athletics in their house colours, they must wear their school PE gear.
  • Children will need – sunhat, sunblock, warm clothes, lunch & a drink.
  • Should the event need to be cancelled this information will put on our website by 7:30am

Parent support is needed for this event. If you are available to help on the
day please email

During the following weekend, November 3rd, we are having a working bee at our school. We have a number of jobs on our list ranging from handy-man jobs, maintenance on the playgrounds, putting together an aviary, painting the boundary fence on Ranolf St, building a frame around the sandpit, painting the container, constructing a fence bordering the library grounds, painting Kakano’s playhouse, clearing the hall gutters (we have hired a scissor lift) and I am sure there will be plenty more jobs to do. Come along and meet other parents, enjoy a morning tea and a delicious lunch. Children are welcome also. For catering purposes please let the office know if you can assist, even if it is just for an hour or two.


At St Mary’s Catholic Church 7.00 pm, Thursday 25th October.

There will be a briefing on the Sacramental Programme, dates will be given and fees of $20.00 are required to be paid.

For children who are not baptised in Rotorua, please bring a baptismal certificate.

The children are required to be 8 years old by the 1st November 2018.

Children who are not baptised or who are baptised in another Christian faith and would like to become Catholic are required to book an appointment with Fr Eamon through the Parish office to discuss options.


We have had a great week swimming in our school pool. The pool is nice and warm but getting out when it's a bit cold is more difficult.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Today we took part in the national Shakeout event. We are prepared should something happen, are you? Use the presentation below to have a discussion at home.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Week 1 Term 4

Welcome back, I hope everyone has had some nice time together with family.

We are swimming odd weeks this term, so we are swimming every day this week.

We are also getting ready for our Athletics sports in a few weeks so we will be practising on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.  PE gear needs to be worn during PE lessons.

Swimming and PE

Library - bring your books back to exchange.

Swimming and PE


PI group
Sausage Sizzle

Check out upcoming dates on our School calendar

Friday, September 28, 2018


Today Hugh and Cabin helped us learn a bit of bike safety for riding on the roads. We practiced using hand signals to navigate around a roundabout. To be honest there was a bit of carnage but there was lots of learning. Just for fun parents, check your child knows their left from right ;-)

Monday, September 24, 2018

Banqer man

Today Simon from Banqer visited us to talk about some aspects of Banqer. We discussed things like insurance, taxation and also shared our thoughts about how it could possibly get even better.

Here is a link to some of the videos we watched and then discussed.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Week 10 Term 3

We have a busy week, finishing our eco-friendly houses and entering this competition will be a priority. We also have Bikewise lessons on Thursday and Friday so bring your bikes and helmets, there will be some to borrow at school.


Library - bring your books to exchange

Library is open after school

Sports exchange
Bikewise lesson
Library is open after school

Sausage sizzle
Bring some ingredients to make a milk smoothie
Bikewise lesson