Sunday, February 25, 2018

Week 4 Term 1

Kia ora,

It's Gala week. Please read the information below and help our PTA make the Gala a fun and successful evening for our school.

We are swimming again this week - last week we made some excellent progress under Henk's guidance.

Please make sure your child has headphones.

See you on Thursday!


World Day of Prayer liturgy 11am. Students are necouraged to wear their national costumes/ colours.
6.00pm Commissioning Mass at St Mary’s Church Rotorua.


GALA Day - See you there.

No Sausage sizzle.
2:05pm Assembly (R5)

Gala notices:
The school gala is our PTA’s main fundraiser for the year.  All monies raised at our gala are given to
St Mary’s school for the benefit of our children.
To help keep our costs for to a minimum, we encourage our school families to please
bring an item to school each day in the weeks leading up to the gala.  These items are set out below.

Keep this notice in a handy place to remind you.

Friday 23/02
Bottle Day - Please bring a bottle or jar of something e.g. shampoo,
sauce, condiment / relish, perfume, jam, cooking oil etc.
Please note no alcohol is allowed to be brought to school by children
Grocery Day - Please bring to school any grocery items. Plastic bags
Tinned goods, bags of sweets - e.g. beetroot, fruit, baked beans,
peaches, Mackintosh’s, jet planes, licorice allsorts.  Any
preloved baskets or platters you no longer require would be gratefully
accepted for the quick fire raffle
Monday 26/02
Books, toys and Baby Elephant - Board games, children’s sporting
equipment, CD's, DVD's, play station games, jigsaws, corn chips,
tinned tomatoes
Books / Packet / Boxes day – Bring a packet or box of something
e.g. biscuits, cereal, flour, crackers, chips, sultanas, cornflakes,
breadcrumbs, Handee towels, jelly, pretzels etc.  Plastic bags appreciated
Tuesday 27/02
Tinned goods, bags of sweets - e.g. beetroot, fruit, peaches, Mackintosh’s,
jet planes, licorice allsorts.  Any preloved baskets or platters you
no longer require would be gratefully accepted for the quick fire raffle.
Baby elephant items, soccer boots, books etc
Bottle Day - Please bring a bottle or jar of something e.g. shampoo,
sauce, condiment / relish, perfume, jam, cooking oil etc. Please note
no alcohol is allowed to be brought to school by children
Nacho Day - Corn chips, tinned tomatoes, chilli or kidney beans, onions,
nacho mince recipe sachets
Wednesday 28/02
Grocery, fresh fruit and vegetables day - Please bring to school any
grocery items, tinned goods or fruit/vegetables from your
garden e.g. tomatoes, feijoas, lettuce, zucchini etc
Nacho Day - Corn chips, tinned tomatoes, chilli or kidney beans, onions,
nacho mince recipe sachets
Books, toys and Baby Elephant - Board games, children’s sporting equipment,
CD's, DVD's, play station games, jigsaws
Thursday 1st
HOMEMADE Cakes, biscuits, muffins, sweets, fudge,
coconut ice, sweets, toffee apples and any fresh produce
Bottle Day - Please bring a bottle or jar of something e.g. shampoo,
sauce, condiment / relish, perfume, jam, oil etc. Please note
no alcohol is allowed to be brought to school by children
Nacho Day - Corn chips, tinned tomatoes, chilli or kidney beans, onions,
nacho mince recipe sachets
Points to note - No fresh cream items please; cake plates will be given out to all students for our
coffee and cake stall and will be priced by our PTA.
Baby Elephant includes – children’s toys, sports gear, CD’s, DVD’s, puzzles, games, lego, books
PLEASE NO damaged or broken second hand goods
All gala contributions to be taken to classroom as each item received wins 1 point towards your house;
the class that receives the most points
(pro-rata on number of children per class) wins a surprise lunch!!!  The class that brings in the most
cakes also wins a special prize

THE COUNTDOWN IS ON ...  FIVE days to our Gala Day!!!! Thursday March 1st. This is an
important date on our calendar and we need EVERYONE to help make the gala a success.

If anyone has a marquee or knows where we can borrow one please contact Maggie in the
school office. We are also looking for sponsorship for the Gala Day. If you can help please
contact Renee on Phone 021902530.

JUST $100 secures your baton for the night.
We have a limited number available.
Please contact Heidi Symon on 021 911 305.
Payment to the office by the end of school Wednesday 28th February 2018.


Friday, February 23, 2018

Sausage Sizzlers

Today Mia and Jett helped cook the sausages for lunch. There were no complaints during eating time.

Mia and Jett enjoying helping others by cooking the sausages. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Swimming with Henk

This week we have been swimming with Dylan's Dad Henk. We have been refining our skills in the pool and having fun at the same time.

Nathan's birthday

Today we helped Nathan celebrate his birthday, and we helped him eat his yummy cake.

Newshub s5 e1

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Week 3 Term 1

I'm looking forward to catching up wiht parents this week at parent-teacher meetings. Remember to bring the sheet your child brought home last week with your hopes, concerns and any other information you feel I should be aware of.

Meet the Teacher Parent Interviews are next Monday 19 February and Tuesday 20
To book an interview time please go to the following link
and enter the event code s64ap.
Monday - bookings can be made from 3.15 to 4.55
Tuesday - bookings can be made from 3.15 to 6.05

Interviews are scheduled at 10 minute intervals. Please be considerate of other parents
and realise the I will need to keep to the scheduled appointment times.

Please send back the camp forms and make arrangements to pay. We have put a lot of time into ensuring your child has a great experience in Auckland.

We are swimming this week. Please make sure your child has headphones in class.



Singing practice



JUST $100 secures your baton for the night.
We have a limited number available.
Please contact Heidi Symon on 021 911 305.
Payment to the office by the end of school Wednesday 28th February 2018.


2018 ST MARY’S GALA COUNTDOWNC:\Users\user\Documents\My Documents\St Mary's PTA\2010 gala\St Marys Gala flyer by speedy signs.jpg

Each year the St Mary’s Parent Teachers Association, PTA, hold a school gala as our main fundraiser for
the year.  All monies raised at our gala are given to St Mary’s school for the benefit of our children.  This year
we are raising funds to go towards the remodelling of our classroom areas for the new junior school initiative.

To help keep our costs to a minimum, we encourage our school families to bring items to school
each day in the weeks leading up to the gala.  

Here are suggested items for our gala:

Nacho Ingredients - corn chips, tinned tomatoes, chilli or kidney beans, onions, nacho mince recipe

Grocery items - Pasta, rice, cereals, soy sauce, biscuits, flour, crackers, chips, sultanas, cornflakes,
breadcrumbs, Handee towels, jelly, pretzels, noodles, packets of nuts, popcorn, tea, coffee, sugar, cornflour,
baking powder, chocolate chips, packets of dried fruit, muesli bars, recipe sachets, herbal tea,
washing powder, dish wash liquid, cleaning products, mustard, herbs & spices packets, pet food,
baking powder, custard powder etc

Bottles & jars -  bottles of cooking oil, soy sauce, sweet chilli sauce, maple syrup, Worcestershire sauce,
sesame oil, fish oil, oyster sauce, jams, relishes / condiments, Nutella, marmite, peanut butter, mustard,
olives, gherkins, sundried tomatoes etc
Please note no alcohol is allowed to be brought to school by children

Baby Elephant ideas – books, toys, board games, children’s sporting equipment, playstation games,
jigsaws, Lego, dolls, cars etc Please do not bring any clothing

Tinned goods - beetroot, asparagus, fruit, baked beans, peaches, creamed rice, tuna, salmon, cat food,
dog food, golden syrup, coconut cream, evaporated milk, spaghetti, soup etc

Bags of sweets - jet planes, licorice allsorts, blocks of chocolate etc

Bathroom / Toiletries items - soap, hand wash, body wash, tissues, shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer,
toilet tissue, hand creams, bubble bath, perfume, deodorant, toothpaste, mouthwash etc

Any preloved baskets or platters you no longer require would be gratefully accepted for the quick fire raffle.
On gala day bring fresh fruit and vegetables e.g. tomatoes, feijoas, lettuce, zucchini, carrots, potatoes

All items need to be taken to the school hall from 8:30am each school day. Class points will be awarded
for children bringing items.  The class that brings in the most items wins a special prize!

Closer to gala day cake boxes will be given out to students for our coffee and cake stall – more information to come!!! 😊

This is a worldwide movement of Christian women that began in the U.S. and Canada in the 19th century, and became worldwide in 1927. The continuing motto for this very special day is "Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action". It's time to begin your local planning, if you haven't already done so.
This day is no longer celebrated only by women; many men and children participate, too. Each year, on this day, Christians of many cultures, traditions, and races, in over 170 countries around the world unite in prayer. Of course, all people are always welcome and encouraged to participate.

On Tuesday the 27th February we have our Schools’ Commissioning Mass at 6.00pm in our church. Schools from Whakatane, Opotiki, Matata, Tauranga, Taupo, Tauranga, Mount Maunganui are invited to celebrate Mass with Bishop Steve. Other schools in the diocese have already had their Mass and they were all well attended. The Mass is specifically for blessing the staff, students and parents in all our schools. All our students are welcome but we will specifically invite our senior students. It is important that we attend this Mass with the Bishop. There is a light supper served following Mass. We hope you will join us for this.

Are there any parents interested in organising this fundraiser for camp? We would expect there would need to be at least 4-5 parents to organise the night.

Details are as follows:
An an Irish themed quiz fundraiser
Where: Hennessy's
Date: Wednesday night (14 March)

Hennessy’s is willing to organise the Quiz Master, Quiz & Prizes, also we could produce some advertising posters/tickets. You would sell tables at maybe $20 - $40 & keep all funds raised.

We would be able to auction off a couple of items to raise more money. We'd expect to sell up to a maximum of 14 tables, with between 4-8 people.

If you wish to be involved please email the Senior School Team Leader, Sylvia Dunkley. I can coordinate and pass on the details to various parents who would be willing to organise this night.

Please email by WEDNESDAY the 21st February. If we do not have enough interest we will pass the opportunity on.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Parent - Teacher meetings next week

Meet the Teacher Parent Interviews are next Monday 19 Feb and Tuesday 20 February. To book an interview time please go to:

Code to use is s64ap
Monday - bookings can be made from 3.15 to 4.55
Tuesday - bookings can be made from 3.15 to 6.05

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Week 2 Term 1 Notices

Thank you parents and caregivers for helping all of our students be ready for the start of school last week. We had three very nice days together.

We run a class bank in R4, ask your child about it. So far we have only logged on and had a look around. This week we will be applying for class jobs.  You child is working on writing a short personal statement for their Banqer cv.  Please talk with your child about their strengths that they might include.

Week 2



9.00am Ash Wednesday Liturgy in the church. Everyone welcome.


9.00 am School Mass in the church. Everyone welcome.
Sausage sizzle
Guest speaker 2:30pm

Week 3

9.00 am Dynamoes Training (some Year 6 students)

3.00 pm Meet the Teacher (more information will be available this week)

Friday, February 9, 2018


Couldn't make it to our Assembly? Here are a few bits for you to watch.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Learning about learning

Today we talked a lot about how we learn. We know that we might all learn in different ways and at a different pace. We need to be adaptable and willing to confront challenges. We took this photo to share the different ways we can learn in Room 4.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Week 1 Term 1

Welcome to our first week of school.

We are scheduled to swim this week so all students need to bring their togs.
Information regarding camp will be coming home over the next few weeks. Camp is scheduled for week 8.

Welcome and Waitangi Liturgy 10am


We are running the school Assembly this week. It might be a bit short so please check if your child is presenting.

Can you help?
We currently don't have a fan for our classroom, do you have a spare one that we could borrow for a few weeks. Update: We now have a fan in R4 thanks to Mr and Mrs Telfer. 
If you have any old bolts, screws of washers lying around home please send them in so we can use them in class.

See you all on Wednesday :-)
Mr J.